Fairfield Community and Waterfront Planning Survey

Town of Fairfield Launches a Community and Waterfront Planning Survey

for Residents and Businesses

FAIRFIELD, ME 1/28/2021 - The Town of Fairfield, in conjunction with the Fairfield Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC), has launched a survey to determine current and prospective economic development opportunities regarding Fairfield’s community assets and riverfront amenities. 
Initiated by the FECDC, the goal of the survey instrument is to prioritize community and economic development initiatives, identify new potential projects, and evaluate waterfront accessibility within the municipality. The survey will allow residents and business owners to express their opinions directly to the committee and the associated public input will inform future grant funding and project development possibilities. 
“Fairfield’s central geography, direct I-95 access, and location within the Kennebec River valley provides the town with several unique growth and recreational opportunities,” explains Fairfield Town Manager Michelle M. Flewelling. “Feedback that is received will be used to prioritize and evaluate development initiatives and quality of life projects, including potential enhancements to riverfront open spaces, downtown vibrancy, and community connectivity. Our community and their suggestions toward bettering Fairfield’s characteristics is the key objective of this survey.”
FECDC’s community planning questionnaire examines various topics with regard to the surrounding water bodies, public boat launch accessibility, the enhancement and maintenance of the playground on Mill Island, and the construction of a concert venue space. Currently, Mill Island park is owned and managed by the town for public-use during the day, and can be reserved for various purposes, including recreational activities, after-school programming, and family gatherings. 
“Public engagement and robust community input data are vital to designing projects and implementing the long-term success of development initiatives,” says Garvan Donegan, Director of Innovation, Planning, and Economic Development at Central Maine Growth Council. “This survey will allow FECDC to broaden public input from the community across key planning themes and will assist in identifying prospective projects and grant possibilities.” 
The Town Council and FECDC hope to use the survey results to prioritize (re)development plans, which will result in attracting, expanding, and/or encouraging businesses and residents to participate in the town's development efforts.
All Fairfield residents and business owners
and anyone else interested in the Fairfield  Community and Waterfront development 
are encouraged to respond to the planning survey,
which can be found here.
“We greatly appreciate the feedback from residents, and we look forward to incorporating their views into our community and economic development planning efforts,” says Flewelling. 
About the Fairfield Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC)
The Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee is a “citizens” committee with open membership to all Fairfield residents, business owners, and educators who have a vested interest in community development. Meetings are open to the public, and the committee typically meets monthly at the Fairfield Community Center; go to Fairfield’s online calendar of events for a meeting schedule.
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