Father/Daughter Dance

Waterville Junior High School 100 West River Road, Waterville, ME

The Waterville Parks & Recreation Department cordially invites all young ladies in grades K – 5th with their fathers or “favorite male guardian” (uncle, brother, etc.) to attend its 22nd annual father/daughter dance, in the Waterville Junior High School gymnasium. Cost: $20/couple for Waterville residents, $25/non-resident couple, $5 for each additional daughter or guardian. DJ […]

Easter Egg Hunt – Head of Falls

Head of Falls Temple Street at Front Street, Waterville, ME, United States

Please join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Children ages 3-7 will be able to hunt for eggs (10,000 of them) filled with candy and toys in the parking lot at Head of Falls. Don’t miss your chance to meet the Easter Bunny! The Easter Egg Hunt will start promptly at 10:00 am. Please […]


Colby Tennis Day

Join The Colby Men’s and Women’s Tennis Teams for an afternoon and evening of FUN! All Events FREE Clinic for all ages and abilities Live Demonstrations from the Colby Teams Fun competitions for all ages, including “Return THAT Serve.” Raffle for Prizes Music Food AND MORE!! Where: North Street Tennis Courts next the Alfond Youth Center.  […]


Mother Son Pool Party

Alfond Municipal Pool Complex North Street, Waterville, ME

Waterville Parks and Recreation is holding our 6th annual Mother Son Pool Party to be held on Saturday, July 9th at the Alfond Municipal Pool Complex located on North Street for grades kindergarten through 5th. This event is for mothers (or favorite female guardians) and sons only. The evening will feature swimming, light refreshments, and […]

$15 – $20

Character Picnic

North Street Recreation Area North Street (next to Alfond Youth & Community Center), Waterville, ME

Preschoolers bring your favorite stuffed animal to meet a special surprise guest at a lunch time filled with coloring, storytelling and of course a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich provided by the Parks and Recreation staff. Who will our surprise guest be this summer?


Quarry Road Fall Festival

Quarry Road Recreation Area 300 Quarry Road, Waterville, ME

On Saturday, November 2, the community is invited between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. for the Quarry Road Trails Fall Festival in Waterville. All are invited to this free community event to enjoy fun activities, explore the trails and learn about winter programs, volunteer opportunities, recent updates and future plans. Quarry Road Trails is located […]


Fall Festival

Quarry Road Recreation Area 300 Quarry Road, Waterville, ME

Visit this Fall Festival for apple slinging, trail walks, a nature scavenger hunt, pumpkin and leaf art, pumpkin bowling, a bean bag toss, a ski swap, and lots of raffles and prizes! FMI

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