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Leadership Luncheon
July 11, 2024, 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Leadership Luncheon
Thursday, July 11 - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Amici's Cucina, 137 Main St., Waterville
Theresa Thompson -
Owner & President
Standard Waterproofing
Join us for a delicious lunch and presentation with Theresa Thompson, Owner and President of Standard Waterproofing Inc., a women-owned commercial waterproofing company located in WInslow. It has a broad spectrum of clients ranging from new construction to retrofitting and repair work for both general contractors and building owners.
Theresa joined the company in 2005 as a Project Manager, becoming President in 2016. She earned a degree in International Management, attending Manhattanville College in New York.
Come hear Theresa's interesting story, including her challenges along the way, resulting in the company's tremendous growth through their commitment to excellence in quality, safety, and professionalism.
Register today!
$25 for Chamber members;
$30 for non-members or at the door.
Registration includes lunch.
Thank you to our 2024 Leadership Luncheon Sponsors: