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America’s Whitest State?
November 28, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
America’s Whitest State?
Migration to Maine Yesterday and Today
Chris Asch
12-1 pm Monday, November 28, 2022
Chace Center, Colby College, Main Street, Waterville
If eating please arrive ahead of time
All lunch orders must be submitted by Friday noon, Nov 25th. You are welcome to bring your own lunch.
Chris Myers Asch serves as CANMP’s Executive Director. A native of Washington, D.C., Chris teaches history part-time at Colby College and is the author most recently of Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital. He and his wife live in Hallowell and have three children.
See https://www.newmainersproject.org/
"America’s Whitest State? Migration to Maine Yesterday and Today"
No registration is needed, unless your order a lunch. There is no Zoom component.
Lunch options: $15 paid at the door:
1. Curry chicken salad
2. Turkey, cheese, lettuce and tomato
3. Veggie wrap with avocado and cheese (if you want vegan indicate no cheese).
Lunch comes with soup (indicate if you want vegetarian), coffee and a cookie!
Email Margy to place your order: margyburnsknight@gmail.com