Longest Night (Blue Christmas)

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

A special service will be offered on Friday, December 20, 4 p.m., at Pleasant Street UMC. We welcome The Tourmalines for special music during this service. The name of this service comes from the season. But the name, “Longest Night”, also describes the feeling that a number of people have during this season. In these long, dark, […]


Ants on a Log

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Ants on a Log is a Philadelphia-based trio who write and play music for children, youth, families, and adults. Full of humor and harmony, Ants shows are energetic, interactive, and engaging. Join us for this special concert, which is part of Ants on a Log's Pride Tour! Performed by trans/nonbinary musicians, the Ants' Pride show features themes of inclusion, self-expression, […]



Book Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Book Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Blue Christmas

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

A special service will be offered on Friday, December 22, 4 p.m., at Pleasant Street UMC. The name of this service comes from the season — Dec. 22 is actually the longest night of the year. But the name, “Longest Night”, also describes the feeling that a number of people have during this season. In these long, dark, […]


Holiday Fair

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME


Crop and Card Making Around the Clock

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Registration fees vary depending if you come just Fri. Night, just Sat. or both sessions.   Door prizes, vendor, make & takes, classes, silent auction, exchange table, and delicious food! For more info or to receive a registration form, contact:  Sheila Bacon, 207-873-5249 (call or text) sabacon@roadrunner.com

Take Out Turkey & Gravy & Biscuit Supper 

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Take Out Turkey & Gravy & Biscuit Supper  with Coleslaw and Dessert        4 - 5:30pm or until sold out $9 donation



Book Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Come shop for books, vinyl records, DVDs and CDs. Open 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, 2023 Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME 04901


Rummage Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Fri., May 5 and Sat. May 6 8am - 1pm Clothing, books, home decor items, toys, kitchen ware and so much more. Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant St., Waterville, Maine


Rummage Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Clothing, books, baskets, fishing poles, toys, and so much more.

Take Out Public Supper

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

On Sat., Nov 6, 2021, Pleasant Street United Methodist Church will have a Take Out Public Supper 4pm - 5:30pm. The meal is comprised of homemade baked beans, hotdogs, coleslaw, cornbread, and your choice of a homemade dessert. The desserts will be listed on an easel board near the door. Cost is $8 per person. […]


Farewell Organ Concert

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

In celebration of the ministry of departing pastor Rev. Thom Blackstone, PSUMC organist Sharon Saunders will present this farewell concert. (Closer to the date, if things go downhill with COVID, please check the church's Facebook page or website to make sure we have not stopped in-person activities and cancelled the concert.)

Supper to Go

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

On Sat., Oct. 16, 2021, Pleasant Street United Methodist Church will have a Supper To Go from 4pm - 5:30pm. The meal is comprised of homemade baked beans, 2 hotdogs, coleslaw, cornbread, and your choice of a homemade dessert. The desserts will be listed on an easel board near the door. Cost is $8 per […]



Book Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Pleasant St. United Methodist Church invites you to a Book Sale in their Fellowship Hall at 61 Pleasant St., Waterville.   Books for all ages.   In addition, there will be DVDs, CDs, and vinyl records and other items.   Also to be sold are coffee and homemade pies to go.  

Indoor Yard Sale

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Clothing for men, women, and children; Books for children and adults; Puzzles; Toys; Popcorn machine; Vinyl records and so much more. Great deals!!!

Supper To Go

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church (PSUMC) is holding a “Supper To Go” on Sat., June 12, 2021.  The meal will be comprised of baked beans, hotdogs, coleslaw, cornbread and your choice of dessert.  The cost is $8 per meal.  Pick up time is 4pm - 5:30pm  (ending time will be earlier if all the meals […]


Baked Bean Supper to Go

Pleasant Street United Methodist Church 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville, ME

          You won't need to leave your car at all.  Drive up to the door where volunteers will be standing . Tell the volunteer who’ll come to the car to ask you, how many meal (s) and which dessert(s) you want.  Select from the large poster of desserts which can be viewed at the pay/pick […]

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