Universalist Unitarian Church

Universalist Unitarian Church

Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville
69 Silver Street Waterville, ME
Mailing address: PO Box 435, Waterville, ME 04903

Mission Statement:
We, The Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville Maine, value respect for all points of view as we seek to build a supportive, loving and peaceful community within our church family, our community and the world beyond.  We commit to building a sustainable relationship with our earth through responsible action and leadership and promote a search for personal truth and justice, sustained by worship that brings together a variety of traditions and rituals.

A Welcoming Congregation since 1996

A Green Sanctuary since 2011

Our community involvement includes -
•    Leadership in the Evening Sandwich Program (ESP)
•    Support of the GLBT Teen Drop In Center
•    Membership in the Interfaith Council and the Interfaith Resource Fund
•    Sponsorship of Adult Spirituality Groups
•    Collaboration with the Family Violence Project
•    Volunteering at the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter
•    Strengthening the Sustain Mid-Maine Coalition
•    Outreach through our Crafting & Fellowship Groups

The Strengthening Our Faith in Action Committee (SOFIA) is active in promoting other areas of social justice.
If you might be interested in working with the Universalist Unitarian Church, click this button and request membership:

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