
Sukkot Collage Workshops: Welcoming Our Ancestors

Schupf Art Center 93 Main Street, Waterville, ME, United States +4 more

Dates: September 23–27 Organizations: Center for Small Town Jewish Life, Beth Israel Congregation, Colby Arts Office, Waterville Creates, and Mid Maine Adult Ed Venues: Various locations Free and open to all. Join us in creating decor for the municipal Sukkah, which will be located in Castonguay Square during Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival Octover 16–23. At these free […]


Sukkot Collage Workshops: Welcoming Our Ancestors

Schupf Art Center 93 Main Street, Waterville, ME, United States +4 more

Dates: September 23–27 Organizations: Center for Small Town Jewish Life, Beth Israel Congregation, Colby Arts Office, Waterville Creates, and Mid Maine Adult Ed Venues: Various locations Free and open to all. Join us in creating decor for the municipal Sukkah, which will be located in Castonguay Square during Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival Octover 16–23. At these free […]


Sukkot Collage Workshops: Welcoming Our Ancestors

Schupf Art Center 93 Main Street, Waterville, ME, United States +4 more

Dates: September 23–27 Organizations: Center for Small Town Jewish Life, Beth Israel Congregation, Colby Arts Office, Waterville Creates, and Mid Maine Adult Ed Venues: Various locations Free and open to all. Join us in creating decor for the municipal Sukkah, which will be located in Castonguay Square during Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival Octover 16–23. At these free […]


Sukkot Collage Workshops: Welcoming Our Ancestors

Schupf Art Center 93 Main Street, Waterville, ME, United States +4 more

Dates: September 23–27 Organizations: Center for Small Town Jewish Life, Beth Israel Congregation, Colby Arts Office, Waterville Creates, and Mid Maine Adult Ed Venues: Various locations Free and open to all. Join us in creating decor for the municipal Sukkah, which will be located in Castonguay Square during Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival Octover 16–23. At these free […]


Sukkot Collage Workshops: Welcoming Our Ancestors

Schupf Art Center 93 Main Street, Waterville, ME, United States +4 more

Dates: September 23–27 Organizations: Center for Small Town Jewish Life, Beth Israel Congregation, Colby Arts Office, Waterville Creates, and Mid Maine Adult Ed Venues: Various locations Free and open to all. Join us in creating decor for the municipal Sukkah, which will be located in Castonguay Square during Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival Octover 16–23. At these free […]


Beth Israel Congregation: The Foundation and the Future

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

On July 14, 4-6 p.m., Beth Israel Congregation will be celebrating the culmination of our "The Foundation and the Future" campaign to renovate our building and endow operations for future generations. We will also be giving tours of our new mikvah (ritual bath), and our future plans for our community. Catering will be offered by Nilda […]

“Freeing the Captive” Opening Reception

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Join us at Beth Israel Congregation for an evening of art, food, and community as we host an opening reception for artist, poet, and activist Kifah Abdulla. “Freeing the Captive” depicts Abdulla’s experience as a prisoner of war in Iran, where he was jailed for eight years. Using bold colors, Cubist-inspired human forms, and modern […]


Middle East Mashup

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

On July 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm, we will be hosting an incredible meal prepared by Nilda Wolman and Alfonso Ortega inspired by our recent congregational trip to Israel and the cookbook Zahav by Michael Solomonov. All of the details from menu to cost can be found here. Our price has gone up a bit due […]


Author Talk: Ruth Behar and Richard Blanco

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Authors and friends Ruth Behar and Richard Blanco share their stories about the lives of émigrés and the Cuba that they experienced. The two long-time friends started a blog, Bridges to/from Cuba, which gives Cuban writers a platform to express themselves. After the talk there will be a brief meet-and-greet. Books will be available for […]


Chicken Soup for the Soul

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Come enjoy chicken soups from across the Jewish Diaspora, and let the Jewish penicillin work its magic on our dreary February. There will be a small suggested donation at the door; all proceeds benefit the Interfaith Resource Fund.

Community Conversations: Pastoral Approaches to Political Questions

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

On January 21, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., we will be welcoming two speakers to discuss the question, "Are Some Wounds Too Deep to Heal?" Our speakers will be discussing whether our community can really come back together in the wake of the presidential election and its aftermath. In the wake of divisive rhetoric and contempt […]


Kosher Caracas!

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Venezuelan Fiesta and Wine Tasting featuring chefs Alphonso Ortega and Nilda Wolman and Tree Spirits Winery* Come join the fun for our third annual Beth Israel Congregation fundraiser with a silent auction Cost: $40.00 per person RSVP to Rabbi Isaacs, share on Facebook *All food will be dairy/pareve. No meat will be served


Community Conversations: Wealth & Dignity

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Community Conversations is a series of events bringing together Waterville faith and community institutions with Colby faculty and students to discuss major issues of common concern. The theme for the 2016-2017 year is wealth, and the April event will focus on the relationship between wealth and dignity. Dr. Alyssa Gray of Hebrew Union College and […]


How to Find Reliable Medical Information on the Internet

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Chris Fleuriel has been a medical librarian since 1988, first at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and, since 2011 at the Togus VA Medical Center. She particularly enjoys sharing her knowledge about how to find good medical literature. Bagels and snacks will be provided. (Your donation to cover costs will be appreciated.)

Community Conversations: Philanthropy

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Community Conversations is a series of three events bringing together Waterville faith and community institutions with Colby faculty and students to discuss major issues of common concern. The theme for the 2016-2017 year is wealth, and the event will feature two thought-leaders – one Jewish and one secular – in conversation with each other, followed […]


Shabbat Healing Service

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

 Vandals painted swastikas on rocks at Quarry Road Trails in Waterville recently, and Rabbi Rachel of the local synagogue, Beth Israel, voiced concern for her congregation's safety.  According to an announcement by Mike Roy, City Manager & Nick Isgro, Mayor, "The City of Waterville stands firmly united against any form of hate and intolerance......Waterville has always […]


Community Conversations: Waterville Talks About Wealth

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Community Conversations is a series of three events bringing together Waterville faith and community institutions with Colby faculty and students to discuss major issues of common concern. The theme for the 2016-2017 year is wealth, and the event will feature two thought-leaders – one Jewish and one secular – in conversation with each other, followed […]


Bagel Brunch

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Join the Beth Israel Congregation for bagels, a guest speaker, and great discussion. Brunches will be held one Sunday each month- keep an eye out for future dates. Brunch topics and speakers will be announced in the Beth Israel monthly newsletters and weekly emails. Contact Rabbi Rachel Isaacs for more information or to be added […]

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