Home Team

Manage REM spaces focusing on function, maintenance and appearance.
Every item in REM spaces is a gift from someone in our community.  Caring for those gifts and the spaces in which they reside is the best way to say "thanks!"

Every item in REM spaces is a gift from someone in our community. Caring for those gifts and the spaces in which they reside is the best way to say "thanks!"

REM spaces at The Center include the following:

Second Floor - Boardroom

Board Room Dinner

Board Room Dinner

First Floor - REM Office

Faye inb 2005

Faye in Office

 First Floor - REM Forum


Vintage Tea

First Floor - Lounge

Lounge Seating -med

Comfortable seating

First Floor - Kitchen


Preparing for Event

If you would like to help with taking care of REM spaces, call REM at 873-4444.

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