Fine Arts Team


REM Promote Arts and Entertainment Forum...our first step.

There is really no Fine Arts Team...yet. In 2015 the REM Promote Arts and Entertainment Team will first convene the second Promote Arts and Entertainment Forum. The goal is to build the eight arts teams, (crafts, dance, film and media arts, fine arts, healing arts, literary arts, music, and theatre) help them articulate both the community needs and the dreams for their discipline, and then develop plans for meeting those needs and dreams. The next phase will be to meld the energy of all eight into a collaborative event that brings the myriad of skills together creating an art tapestry which demonstrates the power of collaboration and creative synergy.

If you would be interested in helping convene an arts forum, attending an arts forum or being part of the birthing of a Fine Arts Team’s visions, projects and events you are invited to call REM at 873-4444.

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