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Pecha Kucha Vol 26
January 19, 2018, 6:15 PM – 8:45 PM
FreePK WTVL volume 26 will take place 6:15PM - 8:45PM on Friday, January 19, 2018 at Thomas College!
Click for Facebook event. Friday, January 19*, 2018
Be a part of it. Creativity. Community
Presentations: 7:20p
Free & Open to the Public Emcee: John Turner |
Chris Myers Asch
Gavin Ducker
Lisa Hallee
Laurie LaBar
Todd Martin
Miranda Phelps
Skip Pratt
Jonathan Rosenbloom
SAMPLE OF TOPICS Teaching in Haiti Waterville Comes Home to the River
Global Family, Pizza, Quilts, Wellness
PechaKucha Night Waterville is a creative networking event centered on storytelling in 20x20. Every event is well attended and provides its own distinctive journey. PechaKucha Night was started in 2003 by Klein Dytham Architects and has turned into an international phenomenon with events happening in over 1000 cities around the world. It is a format that makes presentations concise, keeps the evening moving at a rapid pace, and allows for plenty of chit-chat among participants and attendees.
PechaKucha Night Waterville is presented by a volunteer Team PK, Waterville Creates!, and the Waterville Public Library. PK WTVL V26 is a collaboration with the Camden Conference and the Mid-Maine Global Forum. The Colby College Center for the Arts & Humanities is the PK Waterville 2017-2018 season sponsor. PK WTVL volume 26 will take place on Friday, January 19*, 2018. The host for PK WTVL V26 is the Harold Alfond Institute for Business Innovation, Thomas College, 180 West River Road, Waterville, ME 04901. Visit the PK WTVL Facebook page for updates. *snow date: 1/20/18
More Information about PechaKucha Night Waterville:
https://www.facebook.com/events/112430862737529/ (V26 Facebook event page)
https://www.facebook.com/PKNWaterville ("Like" on FB and stay in touch!)
http://www.vimeo.com/pknwaterville/ (videos)
http://twitter.com/PKN_Waterville (twitter)
http://www.pechakucha.org/ (global site)
PechaKucha Night - devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture.