Protect the Human Potential
A community that has set as its vision a community where people thrive cares deeply about protecting the human potential. The Mid-Maine Strategic Vision for the Year 2020 , upon which all of these Community initiatives are based, speaks to that often. We are fortunate to live in a community where people are so willing to work to help each other. Actually, all of our priorities, even our first, Develop a Vibrant Economy, are all about Protecting the Human Potential.
REM is into hands. Our logo is eight
hands...representing our 8 community priorities...palms up, people, ready to share their time and ideas.

~Our potential is often represented by our hands. It is through our hands that we do much of our community work. Just like in this picture, our hands join making us stronger...protect making each of us safer and encourage making each of us more apt to share and expand our potential.
Life is a puzzle. We are each trying to figure it all out and discover where and how we figure into the puzzle. When we join hands, we get to know this life thing better...know about all of those lives and experiences we haven't lived. We come to see that each person has a part and that when one is missing, we are less strong.
Here we see a commonly expressed and totally counter productive destroyer of the human potential. It's
so wrong it's even hard for us to put it on the REM site! It is through joining hands, sharing ideas and yes, meeting each other that we come to know all of the sides of an issue and make great decisions. Only when we see all of the angles do we understand the puzzle. No one of us can see it all. And then there's the atomic-like reaction that happens when one person's idea sets off a whole new idea and then another and another until we have a great vision, a plan with no holes, and a commonly held of the most power forces on earth.
Now here's a sign we're proud to call REMish. Enough said.