Is Jazz History Linear? Part One

Hobby Lobby 130 Elm Plaza, Waterville

This program follows jazz treks and pathways beginning with George Shutack’s Dixieland-influenced “A Good Night in New Orleans,” through the train travel-inspired “shuffle” of Erik Morales’s “Out of the Doghouse,” […]


Y Girl

Hobby Lobby 130 Elm Plaza, Waterville

Learn about the service of Faith Hinckley in World War I as a Y Girl by taking a tour of the small exhibition of her war time experiences as recorded […]

$1 – $3

Put a Bird on it

Hobby Lobby 130 Elm Plaza, Waterville

This free event is an opportunity to adorn anything and everything with bird silhouettes using paint, markers, felt, and stencils. Participants will receive a tiny tote to decorate and are […]

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