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Cinema in Conversation: In My Skin and Women in Windows

October 18, 2020, 2:00 PM3:00 PM


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. After watching these two films (one short film and one feature length), join the discussion with filmmakers Anna-Sophia Richards and Astrid Schäfer (director, producer, IN MY SKIN), and Patrisha McLean (founder/president of Finding Our Voices; producer, "Women in Windows").

October 18 at 2:00pm EST

How it works:

This fall we introduce a new virtual film series hosted by the Maine Film Center. Filmmakers, film experts, policymakers, and journalists from around the country and the world will join us on Zoom to discuss a film.

  1. Unlock the Eventive package, $10 to stream the two films
  2. Watch the films on Eventive anytime between October 9 and October 18
  3. Tune in to the Zoom webinar at 2 p.m. on October 18

(dir. Anna-Sophia Richards, 2019)
Not rated. 72 mins.
Why do women stay in violent relationships despite years of abuse? We use the camera to dive into the daily lives of three women with different backgrounds, searching for the answers through their unique points of view. Their thoughts and struggles become our own, as we accompany them on the painful journey to freedom. Based on true events, all voice-over texts are from interviews with the portrayed women.

(dir. Daniel Quintanilla, 2020)
7 mins.

As COVID-19 took hold, domestic violence started to spike. The just-formed non-profit Finding Our Voices responded with "Women in Windows": a campaign of huge (2' x 4') banners in the windows of 70 downtown businesses in Midcoast Maine, each featuring one of 25 Maine Survivors of domestic abuse (a nod to the abuse and the woman's transcendence of it) and the local domestic violence hotline phone number, getting the word out to women trapped more than ever with angry and controlling family members: "You are not alone" and "There is help out there."Award-winning film director Daniel Quintanilla captures and preserves this campaign, now touring the state, in this seven-minute film that has a woman taking in the actual words of the actual women in a drive through town, inspiring her own coming out of the darkness and into the light.Starring: Amber, Autumn, Bekah, Betsy, Christine, Donna, Jeannine, Johnnie, Judy, Kate, Lian, Maegan, Maggie, Mary Lou, Meg, Mel, Milli, Olivia, Patrisha, and Sydney.
Watch the Films
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October 18, 2020
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Maine Film Center
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