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Virtual MLK Breakfast

January 18, 2021, 8:00 AM8:45 AM


Waterville Rotary Club and Waterville-Winslow Interfaith Council are hosting a virtual Martin Luther King Breakfast, January 18, 2021

Pre-program Music: “Somewhere” by the Pihcintu Chorus in Portland

Start of program 8:00 am

Invocation: Rev. Thom Blackstone, Pleasant Street United Methodist Church Minister

Welcome from the Waterville Rotary Club: Jeff Jolicoeur, President

Address: Rabbi Rachel Isaacs, Beth Israel and Colby College

Singalong, aided by words and musical voices on two YouTube videos, to be accompanied virtually by your own home-bound singalong:

Lift Every Voice and Sing (MLK’s favorite)

Let there be Peace on Earth (Everyone’s Wish).

Closing: Rick Dorian, Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers, introducing us to the Poor People’s Campaign.

Ending approximately 8:45 am

Here's how you join the program:

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/92593113660
Or typing this Meeting ID into Zoom: 925 9311 3660
Or with this one tap mobile: +13017158592,,92593113660# US (Washington D.C)



January 18, 2021
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM


Online Event
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