4/11/2022 COVID Update: The State of Maine no longer requires masking or proof of vaccination to attend any public events, but individual venues are free to do so. For the latest information, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention or the State of Maine’s COVID site.

Who Wins and Who Loses from Immigration Restrictions

Ostrove Auditorium, Diamond Building, Colby College Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME

This year’s Grossman Lecturer is Professor Ethan Lewis of Dartmouth College. Dr. Lewis’s research focuses on how U.S. labor markets adjust to immigration and technological change, including how firms adapt their production technology to employ less-skilled immigrants. His recent research includes investigating the role historical immigration waves played in advancing the second Industrial Revolution and […]


Extraction and Empire: Controlling Africa’s Resource Wealth

Parker-Reed Room, Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center, Colby College Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME

This year’s Hunt Lecturer is Dr. Jemima Pierre of UCLA. She is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research and teaching interests are located in the overlaps between African Studies and African Diaspora Studies and engage three broad areas: race, racial formation theory, and political economy; culture and the history of anthropological theory; and transnationalism, globalization, and […]


“Take My Pictures For Me”

Diamond Building, Colby College Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME

“Take My Pictures For Me” is a short documentary by Prof. Amahl Bishara (Tufts University) and Mohammad al-Azza. Both are Palestinian, but Mohammad is a refugee born in the West Bank, while Amahl holds an Israeli passport and was born in the US. When Amahl went to a protest for refugee rights in Israel and […]


Oak Institute Lecture: Andrea Prasow

Ostrove Auditorium, Diamond Building, Colby College Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME

Andrea Prasow, acting director at Human Rights Watch in Washington, conducts advocacy before the U.S. government on global human rights issues, with a particular focus on national security and human rights. Prasow frequently appears on domestic and international radio and television and has published in a wide range of print and online media outlets, including Politico, […]

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