Second Annual Maine Conference for Jewish Life

Friday, June 12, 4:45 p.m. Saturday, June 13, 8:00 a.m. Sunday, June 14, 8:00 a.m. The Maine Conference for Jewish Life is a pluralistic opportunity for superior Jewish learning and joyous celebration in central Maine. Living far from America’s major urban centers (and from one another), Jews in northern New England rarely gain access to […]

Lipman Lecture with Nathan Englander

Ostrove Auditorium, Diamond Building, Colby College Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME

Award-winning short-story writer and novelist Nathan Englander is this year’s Lipman lecturer. The title of his talk is “Writing in Uncertain Times.” Englander, the distinguished writer-in-residence at New York University, is the author of the collection What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, as well as the internationally bestselling story collection For […]


Community Conversations: Wealth & Dignity

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Community Conversations is a series of events bringing together Waterville faith and community institutions with Colby faculty and students to discuss major issues of common concern. The theme for the 2016-2017 year is wealth, and the April event will focus on the relationship between wealth and dignity. Dr. Alyssa Gray of Hebrew Union College and […]


Community Conversations: Pastoral Approaches to Political Questions

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

On January 21, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., we will be welcoming two speakers to discuss the question, "Are Some Wounds Too Deep to Heal?" Our speakers will be discussing whether our community can really come back together in the wake of the presidential election and its aftermath. In the wake of divisive rhetoric and contempt […]


Middle East Mashup

Beth Israel Congregation 291 Main Street, Waterville, ME

On July 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm, we will be hosting an incredible meal prepared by Nilda Wolman and Alfonso Ortega inspired by our recent congregational trip to Israel and the cookbook Zahav by Michael Solomonov. All of the details from menu to cost can be found here. Our price has gone up a bit due […]


Fall Shabbaton

Hobby Lobby 130 Elm Plaza, Waterville, ME

Hosted by The Center for Small Town Jewish Life and Colby College You can find the whole schedule on our website: Registration is $10 per family, and you can register online on the Center website. October 26 at 6 PM-- Join Joey Weisenberg of the Hadar Institute for the "Torah of Music," a night of inspiration and […]

Community Conversations: Home

Chace Forum, Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons 150 Main Street, Waterville, ME

What must we give — and give up — to be American?   With Thought leaders Bethashley Cajuste and Rabbi Erica Asch Bethashley Cajuste, Colby Class of ’20, has been working intimately with the Pugh Administration for two years and has been serving as a domestic violence advocate for five years.  She is an Independent […]


What is the Role of the American Family Today?

Chace Forum, Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons 150 Main Street, Waterville, ME

Featuring Naomi Schaefer Riley, Beth Cooper Benjamin, and Adrienne Carmack During this conversation we will discuss how the American family has changed over history, the role of nostalgia in this conversation, and how changes in the American family will impact policy more broadly for our nation and our world. A light dinner will be served […]


Maine Conference for Jewish Life

Thomas College 180 West River Road, Waterville

The Maine Conference for Jewish Life is a pluralistic opportunity for superior Jewish learning and joyous celebration in central Maine. Living far from America’s major urban centers (and from one another), Jews in northern New England rarely gain access to the Jewish world’s finest scholars and cultural innovators, or the experience of being surrounded by […]

Community Conversations: What is the Role of Religion in Civic Life?

What role does religion play in civic life? Join us to delve into this question at Community Conversations, a series that brings together Waterville faith and community leaders with Colby faculty and students to consider major issues of common concern. This fall, our program will feature a conversation between Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor of Beth Israel […]

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