
Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Due to COVID-19, the March 22, March 29, and April 5 recitals have been cancelled. The organists are coming, the organists are coming! It’s First Baptist Church’s 29th year of presenting its annual Lenten concerts featuring performances by area guest organists. Here’s this year's lineup: March 1: Christina Misner Rao , daughter of Rev. Peter […]


Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Due to COVID-19, the March 22, March 29, and April 5 recitals have been cancelled. The organists are coming, the organists are coming! It’s First Baptist Church’s 29th year of presenting its annual Lenten concerts featuring performances by area guest organists. Here’s this year's lineup: March 1: Christina Misner Rao , daughter of Rev. Peter […]



Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

March 17: Sharon Saunders, Associate College Librarian for Systems and Bibliographic Services at Bates College and organist at Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, Waterville. March 24: Portia Miles-Smith, a former organist at Waterville First Baptist Church, and Howard (Budge) Walen of Rockland. March 31: Anna Beth Rynders, longtime chapel organist at Colby College and now […]


Organ Recital

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Waterville First Baptist Church is pleased to announce an organ event featuring a group of female organists from several local churches. Please join the congregation of the church for a free concert on Sunday, November 11 at 2:00 p.m., when the organ pipes will ring and rumble. The concert is one of the final 200th […]


Waterville’s First Photographs

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

This lecture by Maine State Historian Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., will illustrate views of the city from the 1850s to the 1880s. Photography came to Waterville in the 1840s, and one of its first photographers was Simon Wing, who took panoramic and street views of the community in the 1850s. When Wing moved to Boston […]


Tea and Tour

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Join us as we continue to celebrate our 200th anniversary with a “Tea and Tour”, an opportunity to glance at past years through scrapbooks, photo albums, and a guided tour.


United States Air Force Heritage Winds

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Heritage Winds is the woodwind quintet component of the United States Air Force Heritage of America Band. As professional Airman-musicians, the members of Heritage Winds are dedicated to using the power of music to honor our veterans, inspire patriotism, communicate the Air Force story, and recruit those who are interested in serving our nation. Heritage […]



Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Now in its 26th season, each recital in this series features an organist from a different area church. Each program is 45 minutes to an hour long, with a reception to follow. The performers are: March 5: Ed Larson, retired from Penny Memorial Baptist Church, Augusta March 12: Christina Misner Rao, Wayne Community Church, Wayne […]

Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Each Lent, the church hosts organists from the Waterville area for a series of Sunday afternoon concerts. This year's line-up is: February 14: Anna Beth Rynders, First Congregational Church, Waterville February 21: Sharon Saunders, Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, Waterville February 28: Ed Larson, Penney Memorial Baptist Church, Augusta (retired) March 6: Howard “Budge" Whalen, […]


Lenten Organ Recitals

First Baptist Church 1 Park Street, Waterville, ME

Each Lent, the First Baptist Church presents a series of Sunday afternoon organ recitals, each featuring an organist from a different local church. This year's schedule is: March 8: Ed Larson, retired from the Penney Memorial Baptist Church, Augusta March 15: Sharon Saunders, Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, Waterville March 22: Don Pauley, well known […]

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