Waterville Food Bank
61 Pleasant Street
(United Methodist Church)
Waterville, ME 04901
(207) 872-7564
Monday through Thursday
10 AM to Noon
Monday Evenings: 5:30 to 7:00
(Closed Holidays)
Our mission is to provide food assistance to our neighbors in need.
We provide food items to clients who are facing some type of emergency situation or who do not have sufficient income to provide for the nutritional needs of themselves or their families.
We typically distribute eggs, fruits and vegetables, breads, meats and non-perishable foods, pasta, spaghetti sauce, milk, and margarine. Our clients are allowed to visit us once every 14 days.
We were founded in 1981 and have been housed since that time at no cost by the Pleasant Street United Methodist Church.
We enjoy the volunteer efforts of many individuals in our community and groups from Mount Merici School, Colby College, Thomas College, Goodwill, Waterville Kiwaniss, and Elanco.
We are the sponsoring 501(c)(3) organization for the food pantries at the George Mitchell School, the Albert Hall School and Waterville Junior High School.
So how many times did we fill needs for food last year? Numbers don't always give a good graphic. Picture a line of people stretching from our door up Gilman Street/Mayflower Hill Drive to First Rangeway. Continue that line down First Rangeway to Kennedy Memorial Drive, turn right and don't stop until you get to I-95. That's how many requests for food we served last year.
If you might be interested in helping the Waterville Food Bank, click this button and request membership:
If you might be interested in helping the Waterville Food Bank, click this button and request membership: