Dream Garden

Sometimes in REM, things come together quickly. The greatest example of that was a dream to build a small park in the alleyway between Cornerstone Dental and Inland Family Care.

The Pondless waterfall was chosen as it would be safe for children and less vulnerable to vandalism.

The Pondless waterfall was chosen as it would be safe for children and less vulnerable to vandalism.

An award winning stone and waterscapist, a local landscape architect, the University of Maine Extension and local master gardeners and a nearby restaurant were anxious to build a waterfall surrounded with trees and plants and extend the restaurant outdoors creating a café attracting seniors from elderly housing nearby.  Everyone involved agreed to do the work and provide the materials free to the City of Waterville.  Maintenance was to be by the students of the Master Gardeners course at UMA, providing them an opportunity to acquire their Master Gardeners license.

The city could not provide electricity or water for the project.  The end.

This project could easily be moved to another location.  Or, a new dream design entirely.


Imagine a free library reading bench...

Imagine a free library reading bench...

Community garden?

Community garden?









From our "Dream Catcher"

Twenty years ago when I saw this priority formed in people's minds, Beautify the Environment, I thought this would be the most active community initiative.  Gardening and building are such fun activities for groups of enthusiasts to undertake.  When I walk or drive through our community I see so much potential for creating beautiful community gathering places.  I'd love to have the joy of putting together a team of folks who also see what I see.

If you would be interested in beautifying a spot in our community REM would be happy to help you garner support for your dream. Call REM at 873-4444

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