Guide to Better Living in Mid-Maine

Have you picked up a copy of the new Waterville Area

Guide to Better Living in Mid-Maine

available in our office?

Come and get some copies for your lobby, office, or establishment.

The guidebook is excellent for recruiting purposes, visitors, friends, and family.

More details on places to go and things to do- and a complete directory of

Mid-Maine Chamber member businesses by subject.

Need maps?

We have those as well - the perfect pickup for visiting relatives!

Our Better Living in Mid-Maine Maps and Guides are the most popular items in our Visitor Center and the most-requested materials in out-of-state inquiries.

Get your copy today!

Your best resource for all things Mid-Maine.

Drop by the office during business hours to pick up your copies:

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Mid-Maine Chamber Visitor Center, 50 Elm St., Waterville

(207) 873-3315

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