Healthy Northern Kennebec

Healthy Northern Kennebec

Vision: Ensure that Northern Kennebec communities are the "healthiest" in Maine

Mission: To improve public health in Northern Kennebec by engaging the community, assessing needs, and planning actions for success

Healthy Northern Kennebec, a Local Healthy Maine Partnership (HMP), is a community based coalition which formed in 1988 with the goal of identifying local health problems and working collaboratively with community agencies, government and local citizens towards a resolution of these problems.

Healthy Northern Kennebec's role in the community is:

  •  To conduct community health needs assessments;
  • To convene meetings with community stakeholders;
  • To develop and implement community plans;
  • To develop and implement environmental and policy change for:
    • Physical Activity
    • Nutrition
    • Healthy Weight
    • Tobacco
    • Substance Abuse

Healthy Northern Kennebec subcontracts portions of Healthy Maine Partnership work to MaineGeneral Prevention Center - for prescription drug use prevention services.

Funded through Healthy Maine Partnerships: HMP is a collaborative effort among 28 local coalitions, the Maine DHHS (Maine CDC and Office of Substance Abuse) and DOE, supported primarily by the Fund for Healthy Maine with federal grants from the US CDC, SAMHSA, and DOE
(207) 872-4127

If you might be interested in finding out more about Healthy Northern Kennebec, click this button and request group membership :

You will be contacted to discuss how you might like to participate.

Request membership with this interest group and you will be contacted to discuss the group and how you might like to participate.

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