Maine Tourism Association Providing links to Helpful Resources

In the wake of the devastating shooting that the Lewiston community has experienced, our thoughts and support go out to the victims, their families, local businesses, the City of
Lewiston as well as the neighboring communities. Below are some helpful resources and ways to support the community collected from the
Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and

Ways to help:


·    For victims and families, and their related expenses, the Maine Community Foundation has created the Lewiston Auburn Area Response Fund. They are working directly with those impacted and the hospital to address needs, under the guidance of a local steering committee. 

·    United Way of Androscoggin County's Community Fund: The UWAC is the United Way in Maine that covers the Lewiston region. Their Community Fund is used to support community partners providing mental health services and other critical needs. 

·    LA Metro Chamber Foundation: All donations will be collected and shared with organizations responding to the greatest need and supporting EMS workers. Specify Foundation in the drop-down after entering your contact information on the second page. 

·    Local credit unions are working together, and funds will be used to get food in the hands of those in need: 

·    Androscoggin Bank is working with the City of Lewiston to receive direct donations and ensure their distribution to needs related to this tragedy: 

·    Give Blood: November 21st will be a drive in Cumberland County. Use the Code CumberlandME at the link below. Learn More


Resources from the Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and

Mental health support


The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) encourages anyone affected by the violence in Lewiston to reach out and connect with behavioral health support. Incidents
of mass violence can lead to a range of emotional reactions, including anxiety, fear, anger, despair, and a sense of helplessness that may begin immediately or in the days or weeks following the event.

·    Maine DHHS has created a dedicated webpage with these and other resources, including online support and resources for children and families. 

·    For those in need of immediate support:Call or text 988: This suicide and behavioral health crisis hotline is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week
by trained crisis specialists offering free, confidential support for anyone. Specialists also can respond by chat at
Information for the deaf and hard of hearing is available here.

·    Teens and young adults can text (207) 515-8398: The National Alliance on Mental Illness Teen Text Line connects youth with other youth to help them manage their challenges every day from noon to 10 p.m. 

·    Clinicians, educators and first responders can call 1-800-769-9819: The FrontLine WarmLine offers free support services to help these professionals manage the stress of responding to disasters from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week. 

·    If you’re unsure, contact 211. It provides general information, including how to access behavioral health and social service resources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Information can also be found at


All of these resources provide free, confidential support.

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