REM Award Honorees (2004) — Gift Shop Staff (Inland Hospital)
Inland is a 48-bed not-for-profit organization that depends on its volunteers. These people, of all ages and at different stages of life, give of their personal time to enjoy and commit to our exceptional care. They feel that “to give is to receive” and that volunteering is an important part of their daily life. They feel appreciated!
Tonight we are honoring all our volunteers, placing nine of them in the spotlight. These nine ladies epitomize the spirit of volunteering — they give endless hours, rotate their schedules to cover for one another — they are the volunteers of the Inland’s Corner Stone Gift Shoppe.

Standing, from left to right, are Sarah Vaugham, Georgia Fecteau, Rejane Patterson, and Lea Villa. Connie Beedy and Kathleen Burkhart are seated in front. Jean Zenzie, Shirley Damren, and Jennifer Gilman are not in the photo. (Click on the photo to enlarge it)
Georgia Fecteau (1991) has been a part of Inland since 1991. To this date she has given over 2400 hours. She retired from the Augusta Mental Health Institute after working 37 years as a nurse. She raised two sons and belongs to the DAR volunteers at the Food Cupboard and at Togus. She enjoys playing cards, takes piano lessons, knits, crochets and has a pet parakeet named Robin.
Shirley Damren (1998) has donated over 1,000 hours. She drives in weekly from Belgrade. She also volunteers at the evening sandwich program Universalist Unitarian Church and at the Waterville Food Bank. She is a long time member of St. Mark’s Church. She enjoys kayaking, swimming and traveling. (Her latest trip was to New Zealand and Australia.) She is a member of the Rosie Red Hatters. She has three daughters, two sons, fourteen grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren.
Leona Villa (1999), who likes to be called “Lea,” has donated over 2700 hours. She came to Maine from San Antonio Texas. She was encouraged to volunteer at Inland by her friend Shirley Damren. She is very active in the Kennebec Valley Baptist Church. Formerly, she volunteered at an evening sandwich program on Fridays. She also reads to children at the Children’s Place and is involved in projects for RSVP. She is a member of the Rosie Red Hatters. She has two daughters, one son, and three grandchildren. She shares her remaining hours of the day with her dog Taffy.
Rejane Patterson (1999) has donated over 2800 hours. She was referred to Inland by her friend Lea Villa. Although she won’t admit it, she is very artistic and takes great pride in decorating the gift shop. She belongs to the Kennebec Valley Baptist Church and is a member of the Rosie Red Hatters. She has one daughter, four grandchildren, and three great granddaughters.
Katherine Burkhart (2001) has volunteered 441 hours. Kathy graduated from UMP with a BS and followed in her mom’s footsteps by becoming a school teacher. She teaches fifth grade at Benton Elementary School. She and her husband Mike and daughter Katie reside in Fairfield. As a member of the Winslow Congregational Parish, she teaches Christian education. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.
Connie Beedy (2001) has given over 1250 hours. She was referred to Inland by Shirley Damren. Connie has lived in Maine for most of her life, having moved from Augusta to Waterville in 1998. She is a graduate of Westbrook Junior College, having majored in Arts. She has been a receptionist for the Maine Children’s Home in Augusta for ten years. She belongs to St. Marks Church, is a member of the Martha’s Guild, and volunteers at the Universalist Unitarian Sandwich Program. She is a member of RSVP and the Rosie Red Hatters. Connie has three children and one grandchild. She enjoys traveling.
Jean Zenzie (2003) has donated 184 hours. After retiring from Thomas College in 1996 as an operator, Jean realized that retirement wasn’t for her. She came to Inland as a visitor and, liking the hospital’s friendly atmosphere, decided to join the volunteer staff. She also works part-time at the Muskie Center as a receptionist. She is the mother of two children, a daughter and a son, and is a great grand mom of three in Idaho. She enjoys swimming and kayaking at her son’s cottage in Belgrade.
Sarah Vaughan (2003) has given 600 hours. Sarah came to Inland after seeing a sign in the gift shop window, soliciting volunteers. Sarah refers to herself as a “transplant,” originally from Pennsylvania. She arrived here in 2000 to be closer to family. Her favorite pastimes are reading, baking, and traveling throughout Maine. She is a member of RSVP and AARP. She has two daughters and a special friend, Arthur.
Jennifer Gilman (2004) has worked 50 hours. Jennifer is the newest member of our gift shop staff. Jennifer is experienced in retail sales, having worked at Macy’s in New Hampshire. She was delighted to start training in the gift shop. Her past experience is in teaching, journalism, and insurance. She has a BA in English and a minor in Education from USM.
For more information about Inland Hospital, please visit its website.